Thankyou for your interest in joining the choir here at Holy Trinity Cathedral. We're delighted to welcome you, and look forward to getting to know you.

New singers are always welcome. 

On this page you will find detailed information about the choir’s policies and processes. Once you have read this, please complete the registration form on this page.

One choir, two ensembles

Membership of the Choir of Holy Trinity Cathedral is open to adults and children. The choir consists of two ensembles:

  • Holy Trinity Cathedral Choristers, a select-entry ensemble consisting of students at Cathedral College Wangaratta. This ensemble sings for the 10.00am service on Sundays during school term. Rehearsals are held 4.00-5.30pm Wednesdays and 9.15-9.45am Sundays during school term.

  • Holy Trinity Cathedral Singers, an inclusive ensemble for adult singers. This ensemble sings for Evensong once a month, and for the 10.00am service on Sundays during school holidays. Rehearsals are held 7.30-9.00pm Thursdays during school term. Rehearsals prior to services as notified through the choir schedule.

Both ensembles have opportunities to combine for special events in the life of the cathedral: synod and ordination services, weddings and funerals, and other occasional services.


  • The Cathedral Choristers are a select-entry ensemble and an audition is required for prospective singers to be considered for membership. Auditions assess music literacy, aural, and ensemble skills.
  • The Cathedral Singers does not require an audition for membership. This group offers development opportunities for members. It is expected that an individual singer will gain capacity over time.


Holy Trinity Cathedral is committed to providing an environment that promotes the wellbeing, safety, and dignity of all children and adults at risk. To further this aim:

  • All singers aged 18 years and older must maintain a current Working With Children Check (WWCC). Holy Trinity Cathedral and the Diocese of Wangaratta must be listed in the Justice Victoria record of your WWCC.

  • The Diocese of Wangaratta requires SafeChurch training and refresher courses every three years. However, the cultural expectation of Holy Trinity Cathedral is that all adult singers will undertake SafeChurch training on an annual basis.

Rehearsals and attendance

Weekly rehearsals are held during the school term. It is expected that all choir members will attend, and give notice when unable to be present.

Rehearsals begin and end on time. Plan to be at least five minutes early to enable you to be ready and settled in the rehearsal room.

Community behavioural expectations

Singing in the choir brings all members into close contact with the unfolding of the Christian mystery through the seasons of the annual round of worship.

The Diocese of Wangaratta expresses a theology of inclusiveness and is committed to the equality of all people which is embodied in the life of Holy Trinity Cathedral. Diversity of worldview, philosophy, and theology is expected and welcomed. Communicating to refute, rebut, or shut down others over areas of disagreement is not considered acceptable behaviour.

Respectful face-to-face conversation is the preferred primary means of exploring points where there may be questions or even disagreement. You are to be especially mindful that social media and email can become boundary-crossing forms of communication with clergy and other public leaders in the life of the cathedral. Be careful to respect the need of clergy to have leisure and family time.

Where people wish to explore faith through organised discussion and formation activities this will be encouraged and supported.